API Use Policy

We expect developers to be responsible and respectful by following our guidelines for interacting with our APIs
CellarPass must always be written as one word, no space, with a capital “C” and a capital “P”
The full CellarPass logo must be shown on every page that displays CellarPass Content. The logo must be positioned above, and as close as possible to the CellarPass Content. Logo can be found below and must be used without modification.
The overall CellarPass Review rating for each business must always:1) Be shown as five gray stars with the CellarPass “fox” logo to the left of the five stars2) Be accompanied by the text "CellarPass Reviews"3) Shown with the number of reviews on which the rating is based next to, and to the right of, the rating stars. This number is dynamic and must be kept updated via the API.4) Set up a clear invitation to click on the link back (e.g. underline or add 'Read more >)
You may not combine or aggregate CellarPass ratings or reviews with any other data source.
ll ratings images are provided by CellarPass and served direct from a CellarPass image URL. Do not store and locally serve CellarPass logos.
References and Links back to CellarPass
A CellarPass logomust be placed on the homepage of your site indicating inclusion of CellarPass ratings. CellarPass suggests the wording "Ratings Powered by CellarPass" to be used in conjunction with the logo.
The total number of reviews is an aggregate rating displayed in your website and/or app must be linked to the business' profile page on CellarPass.

A clear invitation to click must be visible. e.g. underline the number of reviews or add a 'Read more >' link.

Example: "2172 Reviews" must link to: https://www.cellarpass.com/profile/encore-winery
Note: If your website and/or app is available in a language other than English, all text strings noted above must be translated into the relevant language.
Last Updated 5/15/2024