Contact us

Reason for contact

General Questions

If you need assistance with your booking or ticket purchase, please contact your host directly using the information on your confirmation email.

Cancel or Modifying Reservations

You may cancel, reschedule and modify your reservation by logging into My Account.

For further assistance, please contact the property directly as CellarPass cannot make any changes on your behalf.

Questions About Ticket Purchases

You can review your ticket purchases and download printable tickets by logging into My Account.

For further assistance, please contact the event organizer directly as CellarPass cannot make any changes on your behalf.

Business Account Question

If you have additional questions about your CellarPass business account, you may reach out to our support teams at (855) 423-4448 Monday thru Friday, 9AM – 5PM Pacific.

Forgot Password

You can reset your password by clicking the Forgot Password link on any of our login pages.

Sign Up For CellarPass

Hey, that’s great news! You can sign-up, right online by selecting one of our subscription plans.

Our Company Needs Training

You can schedule training by selecting one of our available workshops.

Help Making Reservations

You can learn more about how to book reservations in FAQs in Self Help areas of our website.

Account Lock Out

If you entered your email address incorrectly more than three times, our system will automatically lock out your account for 30 minutes.

You will not be able to book reservations or log into your account during this time. Once the 30-minute lockout period has expired, you can attempt to reset your password and your account will automatically unlocked.

Please do not contact CellarPass support as they will not be able to unlock your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does CellarPass offers free trials?

We found that since there are so many possible configurations on how experiences and events can be set up, scheduling a demo will allow one of our team members to walk you through our platform in less than 15 minutes. You can however demo the guest checkout by going to our website.

How many users can I invite to my account?

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Can guests manage their own reservations?

Yes and we're constantly surprised how many booking platforms do not allow guests to reschedule, modify and cancel their reservations online. You of course can control when they can cancel so that cancellation policies are enforced.

Can you create multi-day ticketed events?

Yes! Whether you are selling tickets to a wine tasting passport event, outdoor concerts, film festivals or just a simple club pickup party, you can sell tickets to the full event, single dates and offer VIP packages. CellarPass has all the features you need that make sure your event is sold out.

What am I not asking?

"How long does it take to post your first event?" is a common question. Most people think this is a large task, but you can literally publish your first reservation-based experience or ticketed event in about the same time- 2-3 minutes or less if you have all the details ready.

Still have questions?

Please call (855) 423-4448 and we’ll be happy to schedule a call to assist you.