Designed and led by craft-beverage & technology experts to bring you better-qualified guests.
Our website is one of the top 300 websites in the Food & Beverage category. #SEO
Our content-rich site engages visitors 4x longer than other booking engine.
We attract & engage better, more-qualified guests than Tock.
We provide the marketing tools that help
you write engaging copy leading to
increased referral bookings.
Built-in dashboards, dozens of reports- or go deep with exportable data.
Connect to popular industry apps, saving you hours of lost productivity.
We know your business, we speak your language
In just a few taps, you can be building out your business page, posting your first ticketed event and gaining access to our millions on qualified craft-beverage consumers.
In less than a couple of minutes you'll be able to create & publish your first event.
As soon as your event is published, you'll gain immediate access to our millions of qualified craft beverage consumers looking to book your experiences & special events.
One platform allows you to promote your reservation-based experiences and ticketed events.
Connect CellarPass to popular industry eCommerce & club apps to seamlessly book existing customers or create new ones.